Lovingly radicalizing you…
To heal our relationship to our bodies is to heal our relationship with the Earth body. My heart’s desire is to reconnect humans to their true, innate nature, which is Nature around and within us. There is no separation: it is flowing through and breathing life into all of us. Re-membering that we all are (from) the Earth. That she lives through us. To regain our roots, our ground, is to regain our aliveness – and the foundation of all that may follow.
Compassionately, courageously & lovingly radicalizing humans, to embody their true potential on this Earth. As creators and agents of (R)EVOLUTION.
Without awareness of bodily feeling & attitude, a human becomes split into a disembodied spirit and a disenchanted body.
Find back to wholeness by realizing you can safely distance yourself from limitations and conditioned patterns - built on beliefs, fears & pain of the past.
To cease identifying with external restrictive structures and distorted versions of perception. Let go of protective survival strategies, run by the hurt ego or personas.
Shaping a new path forward: a raw, fulfilling way of viewing yourself and the world. Breaking the loops that keep you stuck or running in circles.
Trusting in the innate capacity of each human to heal, birth & create itself. Nurturing each other and ourselves back into unity, maturity & flexibility.
I will not heal you, nor fix you – because I believe you were never broken. I will not necessarily make you “feel well” or comfortable. I will open a curious & honest vessel for you to confront your stories, in order to rewrite them. We will create a dedicated space for dialogue for you to realize, to embody your truth. To change your reality.
Not because I have all the answers, but because I curate a truthful, revolutionary and expansive cosmos for you to ask yourself the questions.
I will hold up a clear yet compassionate mirror for you to look at your Self with all your facets. And the ways in which you have been standing in your own way.
Because everything you will ever need to know is already within you.
dialogue - translation - empowerment -
integration - communication
My passion is to translate. To build bridges of understanding between different areas, languages, individuals and communities. As I see life as a mirror, a mosaic without true borders, I offer these services in regards to spoken and unspoken realms. Our body language and the whispers of the soul are my areas of expertise. Listening deeply, to receive subtle answers.
I see myself as a messenger, a voice connecting different dimensions.
A unique combination of different verbal, manual and energetic techniques - individually interwoven to create a holistic framework to offer safety for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. A sacred container where all expressions of the Self are welcome to be encountered.
From turning around issues in your mind or being caught up in the expressions emotionally, towards offering yourself a new perspective on their source – to connect to your own capacity of transmuting them.
are we daring to look into the mirror?
this is an intimate, honest encounter
between you & me
you & your Self
your mind - body - soul - spirit
all of you is welcome
and all will be seen & reflected
truly, fully as you are
here & now
as within, so without
to re-member & mate-realise
when you break open
limited illusions
Building on your inherent strengths is so much more valuable than circling around your obstacles.
Hearing, seeing, feeling, holding, allowing, embracing, integrating - everything that is present. What is shifting if you allow yourself to be with it all? How can you open up and offer a space to slow down, to listen, to get in touch with yourself
- and life - as a whole?
Instead of projecting stories or interpretations onto you,
your situation or condition; my way of somatic dialogue empowers the emergence of your natural inner potential & resources in the now. My expertise is in creating and holding a trustful space, compassionately stepping aside, allowing you to welcome and listen to yourself in an honest, deep & integral way.
Accompanying you to meet your shadows, wounds, dreams, wishes, values, needs, potentials – to express and fully see them. Guided by your own complexity, vastness & inner wisdom.
In order to create the life you came here to experience.
a unique space for you to encounter
your most unique true Self
in full openness & compassion
a harmony of the senses
movement & massage
integration of parts work & talking therapy
individually created sounds &
aligning tuning forks
connection to natural rhythms
essential oils & incenses
organic healing herbs & medicines